A participant check-in is a phone call (or sometimes an email) with an NDIA representative (such as an NDIA Planner, Local Area Coordinator or Participant Support Officer).
During the check-in, the representative will ask questions relating to:
- The person’s wellbeing
- Whether the current NDIS plan is meeting their needs
- Whether the person has experienced any changes in this current plan period (including any changes to their supports and NDIS goals)
- Whether the person anticipates any changes or transitions during the next plan period
- Whether there is enough funding in the plan, and how the funds are being used
- How the person is going with their NDIS goal outcomes
- Whether the person has any questions about their NDIS plan and support options
When will the person have their participant check-in?
There is currently no standard operating procedure around the timing of a participant check-in. The phone call is expected to happen close to a participant’s plan end date or “reassessment date” but could occur anytime during the life of a plan.
Participant check-in options
- A participant has the right to reschedule the check-in for a time that may suit them better
- A participant also has the right to schedule the check-in at a time where they can have a support person of their choice attend with them (such as a plan nominee, partner, advocate or support coordinator)
Possible outcomes
Depending on the person’s responses to the questions asked during the participant check-in, the NDIA representative will decide to:
- Maintain the same supports as the current plan (this is a plan variation, where the end date, or ‘reassessment date’ of the plan is varied so as to extend the plan)
- Make relatively minor changes to the current plan (another type of plan variation); or
- Schedule a full plan reassessment meeting in order to develop a brand-new plan.
Participants don’t need to wait until the NDIA representative contacts them during a participant check-in in order to request a plan variation or plan reassessment. The participant can initiate this contact with the NDIA themselves if they have had a change to their situation and their current plan does not meet their needs or goals.
Artwork by Melissa Pym.