online workshop

Programs of Support: In Practice

NDIS Programs of Support aren’t a new thing – but they’re a poorly understood thing. Yet they’re essential to know about if you’re a provider of group programs. This 60-minute workshop has you covered.


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Why take this course?

Programs of Support (POS) are a game-changing approach for providers of certain support types. The main benefit? Providers can bill for services whether the participant attends or not (think: stability for both participants AND providers). Yet despite being around for several years and available to a wide range of services – Programs of Support are still poorly understood and implemented. 

Like many things in the NDIS, Programs of Support are good in theory, but can be tricky to make work in practice.We’ve heard whispers that there is more scrutiny than ever on providers meeting the compliance requirements that come with the NDIS Programs of Support model. 

The answer – this tightly-packed 60-minute workshop will outline what services can deliver a Program of Support, what agreements and documents the NDIA requires you to have in place, and how to roll out a Program of Support. You’ll leave feeling a whole better about the POS model – and with the knowledge of how to make it work for participants, your organisation, and your team. 

What you'll gain

In this practical and informative 60 minute workshop, we’ll dive into the nitty gritty of Programs of Support (PoS):

  • What services can be delivered under a POS model (and what can’t)

  • What are the grey areas (specifically the current guidance on POS models for groups compared to 1:1 services for certain service types)

  • How is a POS model different from routine services?

  • The benefits and drawbacks of the POS model

  • Compliance requirements for POS services 

  • Examples of ok and not ok ways of meeting these compliance requirements

  • Things to think about when transitioning to a POS model (for example, backend functions, worker preparation, quality requirements and implications, and ways to communicate with participants)

Who's it for?

  • Any providers of group programs

  • Providers who deliver POS-eligible services but aren't sure whether the model is right for them

  • Providers who want to learn more about the ins-and-outs of the POS model

What's included?

  • Downloadable copy of the slides for you to look back on

  • Certificate of completion


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Rob Woolley

Our very own Woolly Mammoth, pulls up last in the alphabetical rankings but always gets a place on the DSC podium for combining curiosity with smarts. He knows so much about the NDIS it is scary. Rob lives a personal commitment to sharing his knowledge with an endgame of people with disability in control. Combining lived experience of the early childhood intervention pathway with professional experience of the realities of provider life - he has consistently shown the inability to hold down a real job. His roles in the disability sector have covered direct support work, project management, business development, consulting, ILC-funded advocacy roles and owner-operator of a registered and then unregistered provider (but the thing he is best at is being a very present dad). If you want a consultant or trainer in your corner you will be looking high and low to do better than our Rob.


Natarsha Warren

Natarsha has clocked 20 years in the Disability sector and loves the wonderful people that cross her path. She is passionate about simplifying and streamlining practices in the workplace. As someone who thrives on creatively thinking outside the box coupled with a love to challenge people to do the same she's found a good fit at DSC. Starting out in accommodation while studying a Bachelor of Education and Music at uni she moved into Day Programs where she launched a music program and after various roles in management is currently also General Manager of Day Services at Bayley House. On the other side of Covid, Natarsha (a Melbournian) looks forward to getting back to her favourite things – travel and trying new restaurants.