online workshop

Plan Utilisation: Sticking With a Participant’s Budget

With the NDIA keeping a close watch, it’s essential providers stick to a participant’s NDIS budget to make sure they’re not left short down the track.


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Why take this course?

There’s an all-too-common story in the NDIS right now: Participant funding is being used up before the end of their plan, leaving people short on funds and supports. The reason? NDIS budgets are being spent according to the supports people believe are necessary for a person, rather than according to the budget given by the NDIA. 

But plan utilisation is perhaps easier said than done. The person has the ability to choose the supports they want. Providers have an obligation to make sure they’re supported in making choices. And the NDIS will only fund reasonable and necessary. The makings of a perfect storm. In response, the NDIA are monitoring plan utilisation closely – specifically where choice and control or a perceived duty of care is conflicting with available NDIS funding. 

But, a sigh of relief. This 2 hour workshop will guide you on the current rules, why the NDIA is cracking down, your obligations as a provider when assisting people with their budget, and what to do if you’re feeling pressure to exceed an available budget. You’ll leave feeling a whole lot more confident in drawing these boundaries. 

What you’ll gain

Across two informative hours, we’ll dive into: 

  • What is Choice and Control in the NDIS?

  • How does Choice and Control interact with Reasonable and Necessary?

  • Does decision making capability change things? And how? 

  • What is a providers responsibility when monitoring plan utilisation?

  • What can you do, as a provider, if you’re being pressured to exceed an available budget?

  • And of course, when might a change of circumstances be necessary?

Who’s it for?

  • Providers

  • Frontline Leaders

  • Support Coordinators

  • Managers and Leaders

What’s included?

  • Two hour virtual workshop via Zoom

  • A downloadable copy of the slides for you to look back on


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Dr Kylie Morgan

Kylie completed her PhD in 2007, is an NDIS brainiac and is doubly brainiac-y on all things NDIS mental health. She has over 15 years experience working in the mental health, disability and aged care sectors. Kylie has extensive experience designing, implementing and evaluating mental health programs. Through her experience as a carer of her brother-in-law, Kylie has also developed a passion for assisting organisations to develop Specialist Disability Accommodation. In the course of her work and studies, Kylie has developed advanced skills in the management and development of staff, program design and establishment, stakeholder and consumer engagement, and budget management.


Rebecca Brissett

As a presenter, trainer and consultant Rebecca delivers education with a practical engaging approach that consistently results in people coming back for more. Smarts and experience combined, her expertise is in the 'living' part of home & living (in all its NDIS complexities). From finance to quality systems, from partnerships to management, Rebecca understands service tensions while always keeping focus on the people who matter. If you want someone to assist with change at a pace that succeeds, you want Rebecca Brissett.


Rob Woolley

Our very own Woolly Mammoth, pulls up last in the alphabetical rankings but always gets a place on the DSC podium for combining curiosity with smarts. He knows so much about the NDIS it is scary. Rob lives a personal commitment to sharing his knowledge with an endgame of people with disability in control. Combining lived experience of the early childhood intervention pathway with professional experience of the realities of provider life - he has consistently shown the inability to hold down a real job. His roles in the disability sector have covered direct support work, project management, business development, consulting, ILC-funded advocacy roles and owner-operator of a registered and then unregistered provider (but the thing he is best at is being a very present dad). If you want a consultant or trainer in your corner you will be looking high and low to do better than our Rob.


Brent Woolgar

Brent is a bona fide master of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) detail, which considering he is an engineer is not surprising. Brent has built his reputation as one of the sector's leading experts in SDA with involvement in over 50 SDA related projects to date, ranging from parent groups, small organisations, large national organisations, state governments, community housing providers, for-profit investors, developers and many financial institutions. What Brent doesn't know about SDA is probably the stuff the NDIA don't know themselves yet. Brent brings a unique skill set to NDIS Housing, with over 25 years consulting experience in accessible design as well as a lived experience as the proud father of teenage identical twins, one of whom has cerebral palsy.