NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Updates

Check out the latest Quality and Safeguarding updates

By Jessica Quilty

Updated 15 Apr 202416 Oct 2019

Things are evolving so rapidly in this space so here are a few little quality and safeguarding updates that might be of interest to you!

NDIS amendment (worker screening) database act 2019

Earlier this year we wrote about NDIS Amendment (Worker Screening Bill) 2019 to enable the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to establish, operate and maintain the NDIS worker screening database. The database will keep a record of decisions made in relation to people who have made an application for an NDIS Worker Screening Check. The Check is an assessment of whether a person seeking to work in the NDIS poses an unacceptable risk to people with disability. The database is intended to share information with persons or bodies such as employers and potential employers for the purposes of the NDIS. The Bill has now been passed - see the NDIS Amendment (Worker Screening) Database Act 2019. Providers don’t need to do anything about this just yet, just make sure you keep up to date with the worker screening transitional arrangements and any further developments on the Commission’s website.

NDIS quality and safeguards commission corporate plan

The latest NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 2019-2020 Corporate Plan has been released. It sets out how the NDIS Commission will uphold the rights and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of NDIS participants. The Corporate Plan outlines the NDIS Commission’s vision, purpose, future activities and performance measures, and also details its environmental, risk oversight, management and capability functions. Within the Plan, the NDIS Commission acknowledges that its priorities are subject to a number of external factors, in particular, the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the review of NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework due mid 2021 (three year commencement birthday). The review will examine the efficiency and effectiveness of the Framework in meeting its objective, identify any unintended consequences arising from its implementation and any weaknesses in the NDIS regulatory framework. The report is expected to be provided to the Disability Reform Council by mid-2022.

Young people in residential aged care

The Commission has released two fact sheets on young people in residential aged care. One fact sheet is aimed at NDIS Participants and the other at providers. The Commission confirms that residential aged care providers and their workers (including volunteers) who are supporting NDIS Participants will also be required to comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct. The NDIS Commission may handle complaints made by or on behalf of NDIS Participants in residential aged care about an issue arising out of, or in connection with, an NDIS provider’s provision of supports or services. In handling complaints about residential aged care providers, the NDIS Commission will work closely with aged care complaints and other regulatory bodies.

From 30 June 2020 all providers applying the use of restrictive practice on young people in residential aged care will be regulated by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. These services will continue to be regulated by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission until this time.

Behaviour support Q&A

The Commission has released a Q&A sheet relating to questions for behaviour support from their June 2019 Roadshow. There are some really specific questions in there that you might find useful.

Roadshow Q&A

The Commission has also published a general Q&A sheet to questions raised in their Roadshows in March, April and June.  

NDIS orientation module is now in Auslan

The Worker Orientation Module titled ‘Quality, Safety and You’ is now available in Auslan.

Weekly reporting of unauthorised routine chemical and environmental restraint

As you may be aware the NDIS (Incident Management and Reportable Incident) Rules 2018 require that the use of an unauthorised restrictive practice be notified to the NDIS Commission within five business days. The NDIS Commission has responded to reports that reporting of every use of an unauthorised routine chemical or routine environmental restrictive practice may result in multiple reportable incident notifications of the same information. To reduce administrative re-entry of information, the NDIS Commission has developed a process for Registered Providers to be able to report unauthorised routine chemical and environmental restraint on a weekly basis.

Registered Providers must continue to submit all unauthorised use of restrictive practice through the NDIS Commission Portal. Once submitted, the NDIS Commission will review the notification. If the unauthorised routine chemical or routine environmental restrictive practice is suitable for weekly reporting, the NDIS Commission will make contact with the Provider to give further instructions on weekly reporting. You can find out more in this fact sheet.

Transition assistance funding

Need some help transitioning to the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework? Transition Assistance Funding is now available to support providers looking to deliver NDIS services, transition to the NDIS market and grow their businesses. Under the Boosting the Local Care Workforce Program, eligible service providers can apply for Transition Assistance Funding valued at up to $20,000 to purchase tailored professional services, including business advice, to grow their businesses and workforce capability. DSC can provide a range of consultancy services across all areas of the NDIS including support to adapt the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding requirements.

Stay tuned for future updates!


Jessica Quilty

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