Psychosocial Recovery Coaching vs Support Coordination
DSC On-Demand Learning
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Includes this lesson and a huge, always-updated library of 140 NDIS topics.
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Course Overview
Uncover the key differences between these two important roles.
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching: is it just Support Coordination, but cheaper? Spoiler alert: no.
While PRCs share a lot in common with Support Coordinators, the two roles have important differences in their roles and their target groups.
In this webinar, we will dig into these differences, unpacking the challenges and opportunities, including:
Roles and responsibilities
Pricing, wages and expected qualifications
A typical work day
Recovery-oriented practice and lived experience
Collaboration between Support Coordinators and PRCs
This webinar is delivered in partnership with One Good* Day
Uncover the key differences between these two important roles.
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching: is it just Support Coordination, but cheaper? Spoiler alert: no.
While PRCs share a lot in common with Support Coordinators, the two roles have important differences in their roles and their target groups.
In this webinar, we will dig into these differences, unpacking the challenges and opportunities, including:
Roles and responsibilities
Pricing, wages and expected qualifications
A typical work day
Recovery-oriented practice and lived experience
Collaboration between Support Coordinators and PRCs
This webinar is delivered in partnership with One Good* Day
DSC On-Demand Learning
$265 / yr. Cancel Anytime.
Includes this lesson and a huge, always-updated library of 140 NDIS topics.
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