It is a great national embarrassment that Australia ranks 21 out of 29 of OECD countries in the employment and economic participation of people with disabilities. This figure tells us both that we are not doing well enough and that it is possible to do better. If 20 other industralised countries have managed to achieve better outcomes, we can too.
The Disability Services Commission in Western Australia has produced a Disability Employment Toolkit. It guides businesses and organisations through the benefits of employing people with disabilities, ensuring workplace and selection process are inclusive, retaining employees who acquire a disability, and the financial assistance that is available.
Employing people with disabilities is a responsibility of every business in Australia. But in the disability sector, we know better than anybody how beneficial people with disability can be to an organisation, and how life-changing employment can be to an individual. As a sector, we have the responsibility to champion disability employment and lead by example. This toolkit goes some of the way towards helping us meet this challenge.