The Fine Print: $19.9 Million ILC Funding Announcement

Elizabeth McGarry explores the fine print behind the long awaited funding opportunity for what are generally known as user-led organisations: A $19.9 million funding round for the ILC program.


Updated 15 Apr 202428 Nov 2018

The Federal Government yesterday announced the long awaited funding opportunity for what are generally known as user-led organisations: A $19.9 million funding round for the Information, Linkages & Capacity Building program.

However a strong word of warning – don't forget the golden rule ‘read the guidelines’. It’s even more important this time round due to the variables contained in the key selection criteria. We cover the basics here but urge you to make sure you are very clear about who can apply, what activities are in scope and the deliverables that are required.

Unlike previous rounds, this is an open, non-competitive round which means that your application will be considered on its merits alone rather than in comparison to others.  Coverage can include activities that are national, state-based or across multiple jurisdictions.

It’s recommended that applications should not be more than $118,000 each and are required to be delivered within one year. However, there is scope for negotiation. 

The intent of this grant round is to grow and strengthen “the network of organisations across Australia led by people with disability for people with disability” in preparation for future grant opportunities, which will be announced in early 2019.

Broadly, two groups of organisations fit this criteria:

  1. Disability Peoples and Families Organisations  
  2. ILC Priority Cohort Organisations

Disability Peoples and Families Organisations (DFPOs) 
DPFOs are those who:

  • “actively demonstrate their commitment to the Social Model of disability, which seeks to remove barriers for people with disability so they can access mainstream services and live an ordinary life;
  • are run/led by and for people with disability and/or their families;
  • and have a minimum 50 per cent of their board, staff, volunteers or members represented by people with a disability and/or their families”

ILC Priority Cohort Organisations
This group includes organisations supporting one or more of the following groups:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities
  • LGBTIQ+ people.

Digging into the detail of the funding round, it appears that the below organisations may also be able eligible to apply:

  • Sibling and carer organisations, if they “demonstrate a clear direct benefit to people with disability, not as a secondary outcome achieved through carer/sibling wellbeing”
  • Auspiced groups, though there is a range of requirements to meet the eligibility criteria.
  • LAC and ECEI Partners can also apply “if they meet all of the organisational eligibility criteria”.

Like previous rounds there is a primary focus on delivering outcomes for people with disability. “People with disability have the skills and confidence to participate and contribute to the community and protect their rights”. 

This funding round will have two key deliverables ("components") to be considered -

  1. Organisational Capacity Building including activities that build organisation capacity, such as improving the organisation’s functions such as strategy, improving effectiveness of governance, improving culture, processes/systems, people management or building the skills and capability of its people.
  2. Individual Capacity Building which are activities that build the capacity of people with disability via peer support, mentoring programs, skill building toward self-management and greater independence and capacity building initiatives which enhance people’s confidence to speak for themselves.

If you are a DPFO you must apply for both components in your application. ILC Priority Cohort organisations can only apply for component 2.

Only one application per organisation will be accepted however you can also apply as a “non-lead member of a consortium or apply as the auspicor of another organisation”. Again understanding the eligibility criteria is critically important.
Other Vital Details
All information relevant to this funding round can be found on the community grants website including Easy English guidelines.

Opportunities to submit questions to the Community Grants Hub must be sent by 2pm AEDT on 14 December 2018
Phone 1800 020 283                                                                            
TTY      1800 555 677
Email   [email protected]
Applications must be lodged by 2pm AEDT on 21 December 2018 
So best of luck and don’t forget to read the fineprint!


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