Specialist Disability Accommodation – Prices and Payment Framework Review

This review presents an incredibly rare opportunity to influence SDA pricing policy. Now is the time to make your voice heard, writes Brent Woolgar.

By Brent Woolgar

Updated 15 Apr 20246 Jun 2018

The scheduled review of the SDA Pricing and Payment Framework is currently underway. This is the first opportunity for changes to the Framework since SDA began and it will be the last opportunity for the next five years. You have three short weeks to make sure your voice is heard. 

KPMG have been tasked with the process of conducting the review. In addition to receiving written submissions, they will hold meetings, roundtables, and briefings with stakeholders including, but not limited to: people with disabilities, their families and carers, and organisations representing them; providers or potential providers and their representatives; and existing or potential financiers/investors and their representatives.
The review will take place from May to August but written submissions will only be accepted until 26 June. It is vitally important for all people, organisations, investors and participants that are considering the SDA market to express their ideas and concerns during this timeframe.
The COAG Disability Reform Council will then consider the report and recommendations at its September 2018 meeting.

Terms of Reference:

1. The Review will examine whether the current Framework:

  • allows the National Disability Insurance Agency to set appropriate levels of funding for individual participants;
  • supports the delivery of SDA in sufficient volume and form to meet demand from NDIS participants, noting that efficient investment is dependent on developers’ access to capital markets;
  • enables innovation by SDA providers and the development of quality accommodation;
  • enables participants to exercise choice and control, and maximise independent lifestyles and inclusion in the community;
  • provides opportunities and incentives for participants to consider value‑for‑money in the use of their NDIS funds, including SDA as a substitute for other supports; and
  • provides flexibility to meet changes in quality and safeguards requirements.

2. The Review will examine factors that influence investor decisions to participate in SDA, including ensuring that there is sufficient information for providers to invest and by considering the operation of the Framework and lessons learned to date.

3. The Review will also consider the impact of price controls and scheduled framework and pricing reviews on achieving efficient outcomes.

4. The Review will identify options for the development of participant funding arrangements, and ongoing funding certainty, and other market settings to improve or replace the current Framework. Consideration should be given to the impact of any changes on participant welfare, SDA industry development, including existing provider stock, and the financial sustainability of the NDIS.

Submissions for this review closed in June 2018.


Brent Woolgar

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