Q&S on the Agenda

Charmaine shares how making Q&S a meeting regular helps keep teams on track between audits.

By Charmaine Fraser

Updated 15 Apr 202411 Aug 2021

Achieving registration with the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission (NDIS Commission) takes time, effort, and a commitment to establishing policies and procedures that meet the NDIS Practice Standards.

It’s likely that a small group within your organisation worked hard leading up to your quality and safeguarding (Q & S) audit. However, once the initial elation of achieving registration passes, it’s important to set up a system to ensure that practice standards are maintained on an ongoing basis.

One factor that contributed to our organisation successfully achieving registration with the NDIS Commission in 2019 and passing a midterm surveillance audit in 2021 was to have Q & S topics on our team meeting agenda year-round.

By having a standing item on your team meeting agenda, you can spread Q & S awareness and capability more broadly within your organisation and share the responsibility of getting ready for audit. As a bonus, the meeting minutes will demonstrate to your auditor that your organisation is committed to upholding NDIS Practice Standards now and into the future.

Airtime during team meetings is a precious commodity. Here are visuals and videos that are short and sharp, ZOOM friendly, available in multiple languages (including Easy English and Auslan), and designed to capture the attention of staff without putting them to sleep.

Q&S agenda topics & tips

Who’s who?

This visual outlines the role of the NDIS Commission, the role of the National Disability Insurance Agency, and the scope of the Q & S Framework. Make it a permanent feature at every team meeting and then rotate through Q & S Framework topics each meeting.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to registered and non-registered providers, along with partners in the community such as Local Area Coordinators and Early Childhood partners.

The Code of Conduct factsheet is available in 11 different languages, should be included in your new client sign-up pack, and can be printed as a poster and displayed in work areas.

The NDIS Code of Conduct for Workers includes real life scenarios to prompt discussions with your team.

Registration and Quality Assurance

The NDIS Commission assesses the suitability of NDIS providers and their key personnel to deliver NDIS supports and services. This video explains the process and is available in Auslan format.


Charmaine Fraser

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