The Fourth and final Quarterly report for the 2019/20 financial year has hit the stands and it brings with it some new and very welcome data about new SDA registrations across the country.
The report can be found here (and appendix P is the relevant section for SDA) and we’ve pulled out some of the most interesting stats below.
New SDA dwelling registrations
The report includes granular detail about the number of dwellings that been built in each region by design category (ie. accessibility level) and build type (eg. Apartment, house).This data enables a new depth of analysis about where SDA is concentrated and where potential gaps might be. The table takes up three pages of the report so we can’t copy it all here but we’ve included the ACT/NSW data below to give you a sense of what’s there.
Table P.7 New Build/New Build (Refurbished) Dwelling by Design Category and Build Type by SA4 Region (excluding in-kind arrangements). Page 537 of Report to disability ministers for Q4 of Y7 Appendices.
Trend analysis
The report also contains some great context on where the SDA market is up to around the country. During such a turbulent time for the mainstream housing market, we know many investors and developers will be keen to see how the SDA market has fared. Here’s the summary:
SDA funding grew from $155.9M to $175.9M whilst the number of active participants with SDA funding grew by 7.4% (from 13,944 to 14,982). This is a massive increase from last quarter where the number of active participants increased by only 261 (compared to 1,038 this quarter).
The total number of people with SDA grew this quarter to a total of 1,425, an increase of 47 people. This is the first sign of movement in participants numbers in Queensland in 9 months.
Property registrations also grew to a total of 601 with 209 of those being new builds or new build refurbished. New builds grew by 38 dwellings in the quarter.
New South Wales
The total number of people with SDA grew this quarter to a total of 5,307, an increase of 284 people. Property registrations also grew to a total of 1,994 with 594 of those being new builds or new build refurbished. New builds grew by 76 dwellings in the quarter.
The total number of people with SDA grew this quarter to a total of 4,929, an increase of 191 people. Property registrations also grew to a total of 647 with 183 of those being new builds or new build refurbished. New builds grew by 44 dwellings in the quarter.
South Australia
The total number of people with SDA in South Australia actually declined this quarter to a total of 1,711, a decrease of 59 people. This decline is most likely due to the closure of larger legacy settings and/or people exiting the NDIS. Property registrations grew to a total of 1,002 with 138 of those being new builds or new build refurbished. New builds grew by 38 dwellings in the quarter.
Western Australia
The lions share of growth this quarter came from Western Australia, where the total number of active participants grew by 244% (from to 391 to 954 people). But looking at the increase in funding, it’s clear that the vast majority of these newcomers are funded at existing / basic levels. The committed funding has only grown by $6 million (meaning an average of $10,657 per person).
Property registrations also grew to a total of 27 with 16 of those being new builds or new build refurbished. New builds grew by 7 dwellings in the quarter, showing that SDA is starting to gain traction in Western Australia.
It is great to see the SDA new build data finally being reported in a way that provides a real insight into what and where new SDA has been built. We are now eager to see if the NDIS can report a similar level of data for people who receive SDA payments - when we have that information we will finally have a true indication of supply and demand. The data on a state-by-state basis also indicates that new SDA dwelling registrations remains relatively stable and increasing however the participant data still illustrates very slow progress towards the total number of people expected to receive SDA (28,000).