NDIS Release New SDA Data

The NDIA have just released the first ever Specialist Disability Accommodation quarterly report. Brent digs into the must-know detail for all providers.

By Brent Woolgar

Updated 15 Apr 20244 Oct 2021

In August, the SDA Market Information Statement alluded to a future release of a quarterly SDA report, and – in breaking news – the very first SDA quarterly report has just been released. 

Let’s take a look at what’s inside.


Participant data

There is some new, really useful information in this section of the report. The data on participants in SDA has been broken down into age and primary disability types. As DSC has been saying for years, the breakdown of NDIS participants by primary diagnosis can help providers understand the relative percentage of participant demand across the 4 design categories. So, it is useful to dive into the data from the latest quarterly report in a bit more detail.

The next table represents the relative percentages of participants by primary disability group. 

Some interesting observations can be made by comparing these two sets of data. For example, whilst intellectual disability makes up only 20% of the NDIS cohort, it accounts for 48% of SDA-eligible participants. Similarly, autism makes up 33% of NDIS participants but only 11% of SDA-eligible participants. By further and deeper analysis of the data, we can learn about the likely spread of design categories and the like.

The report also provides breakdowns by gender identity, indigenous status and CALD.

The participant data is yet another great step forward in providing the market with more information.


Dwelling enrolments

The data in this section is not new, but it has been presented more in trend graphs along with commentary – very similar to the DSC SDA data presentations over recent years. They do say imitation is the greatest compliment!

Perhaps some of the most useful information is the greater level of detail about the state-based stock and how/when it has/will be rolled into the existing SDA enrolment pool. That does help explain the trends we have been observing for a number of years.

The SDA quarterly report can be found here: https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/6888-new-sda-quarterly-report


Brent Woolgar

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