NDIS New Interactive Data Tool

The NDIA has recently reformatted and updated their online interactive data tool. This might sound a bit boring, but it is actually very, very useful.

By Sara Gingold

Updated 15 Apr 20242 Dec 2020

The NDIA has recently reformatted and updated their online interactive data tool. That might sound like the most boring sentence you have ever read but trust me when I say it is actually pretty damn sweet.

The data is divided into four categories: participants, active providers, market concentration and plan utilisation. Together, this data gives us a sense of both the demand for disability services and the market supply.

For each of those categories, you can filter the data by state, service district, disability group and age band.  

For example, I was curious about how my plan utilisation compares to other people in my age group and service district. So I searched to find out:

70% utilisation last quarter, not bad (though not great either).

You can also view the data as an interactive map which lets you compare between service districts. For example, we can look at how many providers are supporting people with psychosocial disability across Australia:

From this map, we can see there are a lot of providers offering psychosocial support in some areas of the country- particularly the Hunter region and South Western Sydney. However, in WA’s Midwest- Gascoyne region there were only 12 providers declaring that they were delivering supports to this cohort last quarter.

The data can also be exported as a csv file.

You can find the interactive data tool here. Happy searching!


Sara Gingold

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