The NDIA have just released an update to the Price Guide to cover all the adjustments that have been made since, y’know, the world changed. But don’t get too exciting - those of you who have been playing along at home won’t be surprised by any of the recent changes. We’ve summarised them below for your reading pleasure:
These are in place until 30 September, with a review by the end of June:
- COVID-19 Low Cost AT to support Capacity Building support delivery: This line item is to allow participants without access to a smart device to purchase one to maintain their disability supportsThis item isn’t price capped, but they are saying they don’t think it should be more than 750. They will need to provide the NDIA with written advice from their provider that the device is required and it will need to be to the lowest specification possible to maintain the support. Unlike other low cost assistive technology line items, which are purchased from the Consumables budget, this item comes under Improved Daily Living.From May 9th, people can purchase AT out of their Core budget even if they do not have any funding for consumables.If they don’t have Core funding, a special line item has been created to allow people to purchase low cost AT from Capacity Building funding (COVID-19 Low Cost AT to support Capacity Building support delivery 15_222400911_0124_1_3).They have also confirmed that funding cannot be used to purchase software and apps unless they have been approved in the plan.
- 2 new assistive technology rental line items to meet immediate (ie. 30 day) needs for people leaving hospital.
- Items for SIL providers in case of a COVID-19 diagnosis including a one-off professional deep cleaning fee of $300 and a $1,200 per day allowance to cover additional costs like staffing and PPE.
This is to allow participants with no or limited Support Coordination funding to spend their core funding flexibly on Support Coordination. The Price Guide has no end day specified for this support, but on the NDIA’s website they say it will be available for 6 months from the 25th March.
- Prices for most Assistance with Daily Life (excl. SIL), Assistance with Social & Community Participation, Improved Health & Wellbeing and Improved Daily Living supports have been increased by 10%. Check out the Support Catalogue to see which supports are in and out.
- Where a line item also has a Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) applied, the COVID-19 loading has been applied on top of the TTP adjusted rate (for a total 18.25% loading). Participants do not receive extra funding in their plans to cover these loadings.
- The NDIA have noted that providers now have until end June to be compliant with TTP requirements (up from March 2020).
A short notice cancellation is now defined as “less than 10 clear business days” notice, up from 2 clear business days and can now be billed at 100% of the scheduled support (up from 90%).
You can find the full Price Guide and Support Catalogue here.