Workforce Solutions: Webinar 3 - Developing a growth and development framework to encourage professional development and career opportunities within the disability sector

Webinar Recording90 mins
Published Aug 21, 2023

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Here’s a hard-hitting stat: The NDIS Ask any business owner in the NDIS what their biggest challenge is right now, and they’ll most likely say the workforce. In a time of rising salary expectations, staff burnout, and more and more workers choosing to go out on their own — getting the right people through the door is tough. Keeping them there is even tougher. In this strategic webinar series you’ll hear from I Can Jump Puddles (ICJP), a leading NDIS provider that’s invested in a successful workforce plan with Allied Health Clinicians, Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners and Support Coordinators. Having been in the trenches with you, ICJP will bring forward their creative solutions, practical ideas and lessons they’ve learned from on the ground. They’ll also share strategies to attract a suitable workforce (that also wanna stick around for the long run).

Webinar 3 – Developing a growth and development framework to encourage professional development and career opportunities within the disability sector


  • Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners — Practitioner pathways that attract professionals or graduates to the sector and PBS that aligns with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission's Capability Framework

  • Support Coordination Peer Mentoring Program — aimed at providing support coordination teams with a peer mentoring model that improves professional practice and worker retention

Collaborating Organisation

This webinar was delivered in partnership with

I Can Jump Puddles


Marg Botha, Positive Behaviour Support Service Coordinator, I Can Jump Puddles

Harry Forest, Positive Behaviour Support Team Leader, I Can Jump Puddles

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