Introduction to Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Updated Sep 30, 2024

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Weighing up entering the SDA market? This 40 minute eLearning explores the complexities, responsibilities, rules and considerations so you can go at it with eyes wide open.

Why take this course?

Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA) provides participants with quality and accessible housing. And if done wisely, it can also provide solid investment returns. But just like any housing investment, there are risks. Perhaps even more so with SDA, given the complexity of governance and legislation. 

This recently updated 40 minute eLearning will break down the fundamentals of quality SDA housing – including participant eligibility, SDA rules, the registration process, as well as SDA pricing and arrangements. By the end, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and resources to meet the requirements for quality SDA housing – in a way that benefits both you and participants. 

What you’ll gain

In 40 minutes, we’ll explore:

  • SDA eligibility criteria

  • SDA rules and what they mean for providers

  • SDA design standard

  • How to register as an SDA provider

  • SDA pricing and service agreements

Who’s it for?

  • Anyone considering entering the SDA market

  • Those supporting participants who may be eligible for SDA funding and want to learn more about this type of housing

What’s included?

  • 40 minute OnDemand eLearning

  • Tips and resources

  • Certificate of completion