The OPQ: A New App to Assess the Quality of Staff Support

Webinar Recording1h
Published Mar 19, 2025

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The ‘Observing Practice Quality Tool’ (OPQ) provides a way for leaders to measure, evaluate and offer feedback on the supports provided by Disability Support Workers. This short and sharp webinar will guide you through the new app.

Why take this course?

Good staff support is critical for people with intellectual disabilities to experience good quality of life. But how do you ensure staff are providing good support? 

Observation is one of the most effective ways of knowing how well staff provide support: their strengths and areas to improve. Observation can also be the basis for feedback to staff that helps them to improve. But what should you look for and how do you evaluate the quality of support?  

La Trobe's Living with a Disability Research Centre has developed the Observing Practice Quality tool (OPQ), an easy to use app designed to assess the quality of support provided by staff to individuals with intellectual disabilities. The app guides the user in what to observe and how to evaluate the quality of staff support. 

What you’ll gain

In 1 hour, we’ll dive into:

  • What is the Observing Practice Quality (OPQ) tool?

  • The 11 main items to support observations 

  • Why is the OPQ tool important? And how does it promote and track quality supports?

  • How to access the OPQ training

Who’s it for?

  • Frontline Managers

  • Practice Coaches

  • Quality and Safeguarding Teams

  • Service Auditors

  • Community Visitors

What’s included?

  • 1 hour webinar recording 

  • Certificate of completion

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