online workshop

NDIS Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practices for Implementing Providers

The NDIS Commission has really ramped up its compliance activity for providers that provide behaviour support and implement restrictive practices. This workshop is here to give you a greater understanding of your compliance obligations.


Flexible rescheduling

Change up to 4 hours before.

Why take this course?

Behaviour support and restrictive practices are a complex and heavily regulated area of the NDIS. And if you’ve tuned into the news cycle recently, you’ve no doubt seen the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has been issuing stern warnings and fines to providers not meeting their obligations.

Cue: fear, uncertainty and a lot of difficult conversations. 

As a response to the Commission’s demand for immediate action, this 2.5 hour workshop will support the many providers who need to take another look and make sure their house is in order. It includes a refresher on your obligations around restrictive practices, authorisation, BSP timeframes, reporting and more. By the end? You’ll leave with a greater understanding of the NDIS Commission’s recent compliance response and confidence and clarity on the best next steps.

What you'll gain

You’ll gain an understanding of:

  • The principles of positive behaviour support and how it works in NDIS service delivery 

  • How to understand and identify restrictive practices (in theory, and in your organisation)

  • How to facilitate a behaviour support plan and implement restrictive practices (as a last resort)

  • How to provide evidence that requirements have been met

  • The restrictive practice authorisation process in each state and territory

  • How to work collaboratively and manage difficult conversations with participants, families and behaviour support practitioners in relation to

  • implementing restrictive practices safely and effectively

  • The key NDIS Commission reporting and compliance requirements

Who's it for?

  • Managers

  • Team Leaders

  • Quality Managers

What's included?


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Therese Morgante

Therese comes to Team DSC with over 25 years experience in the sector across a range of government, consulting and provider roles. She has played key roles throughout Victoria's progression towards individualised funding, including design and initial implementation of self directed funding at the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and supporting the establishment of the Barwon NDIS pilot site. As a clear thinker, Therese is able to get to the heart of an issue quickly to solve policy dilemmas. When she is not touring suburban sporting grounds with her two sons or obsessively watching documentaries on the British Royal Family, Therese is an avid reader, improving cook, lover of Australian politics and (very) amateur art critic.


Rob Woolley

Our very own Woolly Mammoth, pulls up last in the alphabetical rankings but always gets a place on the DSC podium for combining curiosity with smarts. He knows so much about the NDIS it is scary. Rob lives a personal commitment to sharing his knowledge with an endgame of people with disability in control. Combining lived experience of the early childhood intervention pathway with professional experience of the realities of provider life - he has consistently shown the inability to hold down a real job. His roles in the disability sector have covered direct support work, project management, business development, consulting, ILC-funded advocacy roles and owner-operator of a registered and then unregistered provider (but the thing he is best at is being a very present dad). If you want a consultant or trainer in your corner you will be looking high and low to do better than our Rob.


Paula Spencer

Paula has extensive experience developing risk and WHS tools and management systems. Her expertise include researching and writing policies, frameworks, procedures, and training material that is tailored to an organisation's size, scope and culture. Paula knows her way around a risk matrix, is passionate about helping organisations understand their risk appetite and embedding robust risk frameworks in the heart of the organisation. Prior to joining DSC, Paula worked in the disability sector for 8 years as a Risk and Compliance Manager. Paula is fast becoming a highly valued member of the quality team. Paula loves to garden, cook and spring clean. Just as well, she's going to need to clear some wall space – she is currently completing a Graduate Diploma in Governance and Risk Management and clocking up a country show ribbon count for eggs from her rare chickens.