
Susan Parker is an advocate for Action for People with Disabilities (Action). Action is a free independency advocacy services funded by the NSW government to provide support for people with disabilities to gain equity of access in all government and community arenas - Education, Guardianship /Financial Management, Estate Planning, End of Life Planning, Aged Care Assessment, Housing. Community Inclusion, the Justice System including Local and Supreme Court matters, Child Protection, Abuse and Neglect for older people, people with disability experiencing domestic violence, Health and Community arenas, Commonwealth Disability Services. In all aspects of advocacy, Susan reviews these issues in line with an intersectionality framework, understanding that different aspects of a person’s identity can expose them to overlapping forms of discrimination and marginalisation. Susan Parker brings to advocacy her skills as a Management Consultant specialising in Business Planning Facilitation and Team Development, Susan Parker can review organisations business plans and processes so ensure that both the rights of the organisation and the rights of people with a disability are aligned. This has resulted in Susan’s involvement in the successful development and training of Disability Awareness training for organisations and has been the coauthor of parliamentary submissions commissioned by Action. Susan supports people to have their voice heard and achieve equity of access through some of the toughest challenges they face. Her unique lived experience, consultancy background and understanding of the intersectionality framework allows organisations and individuals to align their values and lead to a more profitable and equitable society.