Navigating the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)

Published Jan 29, 2023

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A free, step-by-step guide to challenging an NDIS decision.

Team DSC has joined other skilled and generous minds from Villamanta, SDA Services, National Justice Project, and Gadens to develop this free resource about the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Despite plans to eventually abolish the AAT and the expansion of the Independent Expert Review (IER), thousands of participants are still expected to go through the AAT process in the coming years.

This resource gives you:

  • A start-to-finish map of how to appeal an NDIS decision

  • Key terms

  • Videos with hot tips from someone whose done it herself - Carmel Nottle

  • A summary of the responsibilities of each party

  • And tonnes of links to other relevant resources.

Please share far and wide!

*The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) was replaced by the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) in October 2024. This course references the appeals process at the AAT, however it can still provide insight into the appeals process NDIS participants undergo at the ART. 

New NDIS legislation also came into effect in October 2024. This changes the things that the NDIS can and cannot fund, and will be applied by the ART. Seek legal advice as to how these changes apply to your situation.

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