DRC Briefing Series: Royal Commission Taskforce: Where to from here? with Luke Mansfield
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Course Overview
The Disability Royal Commission Taskforce now has the mammoth job of coordinating the government’s response to the DRC. In this webinar, they give an update on everything you need to know.
The Disability Royal Commission Taskforce now has the mammoth job of coordinating the government’s response to the report. The Taskforce, which sits in the Department of Social Services (DSS), will be assessing how the 222 recommendations link together and making a plan to turn them into action. The good folk at DSS have accepted our invitation to provide you with an update on everything you need to know including:
The role of the taskforce - what is and what it isn’t
What the process involves
Priorities and anticipated timelines
What service providers can expect now and in the future.
The Disability Royal Commission Taskforce now has the mammoth job of coordinating the government’s response to the DRC. In this webinar, they give an update on everything you need to know.
The Disability Royal Commission Taskforce now has the mammoth job of coordinating the government’s response to the report. The Taskforce, which sits in the Department of Social Services (DSS), will be assessing how the 222 recommendations link together and making a plan to turn them into action. The good folk at DSS have accepted our invitation to provide you with an update on everything you need to know including:
The role of the taskforce - what is and what it isn’t
What the process involves
Priorities and anticipated timelines
What service providers can expect now and in the future.
DSC On-Demand Learning
$265 / yr. Cancel Anytime.
Includes this lesson and a huge, always-updated library of 140 NDIS topics.
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