Bringing it All Together: Implementing a Model of Interdisciplinary Care to Minimise Chemical Restraint

Webinar Recording90 mins
Published Nov 8, 2023

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Research shows an over-reliance on the use of medication to address behaviours of concern in people with disability, despite the significant negative impact on health and wellbeing. Collaboration between the prescribing practitioner, behaviour support practitioner and the implementing service provider is crucial to good outcomes and the safe reduction and/or elimination of chemical restraints. This three-part webinar series is suitable for Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners, Implementing Providers and Support Coordinators.

Webinar 3: Bringing it All Together: Implementing a Model of Interdisciplinary Care to Minimise Chemical Restraint

  • Building a solution using existing frameworks

  • Explore the collaborative Medication Consult process developed by ICJP with Pharmacists Optimising Medicines for People with Intellectual Disability and Autism (POMPIDA)

  • Implementation of the Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner (PBSP)-Accredited Pharmacist (AP) model through case studies - using expert pharmacists and subject matter experts to deliver clinical supervision of PBSPs and STOMP out restrictive practices

  • How organisations can implement the PBSP-AP model in their practice with a focus on accessibility and benefits

  • RP protocols: use fade out plans to reduce the use of chemical restraint

Collaborating Organisation

This webinar was delivered in partnership with

I Can Jump Puddles

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