
Book Reflection – Disability Practice: Safeguarding Quality Service Delivery

Webinar Recording135 mins
Published Apr 24, 2024

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A 75-minute interview and bonus Q&A unpacking the highly anticipated new book: “Disability Practice: Safeguarding Quality Service Delivery.” Like a book club, but way more practical.

Why take this course?

Co-edited by Professor Christine Bigby and Dr Alan Hough “Disability Practice: Safeguarding Quality Service Delivery” features contributions from 13 experts in disability research and academia and dives deep into what this means for practice.  

The book clearly defines key areas that providers should focus on, with practical tips and resources sprinkled throughout. Better yet, it’s written in accessible and approachable language with a focus on adults with intellectual disabilities. So, it’s a rather handy resource. As the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commissioner says “What I find most insightful about Disability Practice is its use of real-life case studies to articulate the challenges it identifies, and the solutions needed to address them.”

Why do we need this course, then? 

Well, we figured many providers might not know where to start in understanding and embedding the learning in their organisations. So, we’ve created an interview format (featuring none other than Professor Chris Bigby and Dr Alan Hough) to further explore the chapters of the book and the research that went into it. The goal? To give providers an opportunity to reimagine the way that supports are provided.

You can download the book today for free, hard copies are also available for purchase.

What you’ll gain

Across a 75 minute webinar, Chris, Alan and Natarsha will dive into: 

  • A synopsis of the content in ‘Disability Practice’ and how this impacts providers

  • What providers can do to be more responsive to the needs of the people they support and their families

  • An overview of the chapters of the book, with a particular focus on Supported Decision Making, Community Participation, Nothing about us without us, Active Support, and Quality and Safeguards.

Who’s it for?

  • Executives

  • Boards

  • Management teams

  • Support Workers

What’s included?

  • 75 minute interview-style webinar via Zoom – including 30 minutes on the content of the book, 25 minutes discussing how providers can put it into practice, and 15 minutes of Q&A

  • Recording of 1 hour Q&A session

  • Downloadable copy of the slides for you to look back on

  • A link to the book itself (free to download)

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