online workshop

Evidencing Behaviour Support Needs

A practical 2 hour workshop showing you how to provide the right evidence in a Behaviour Support Plan – which keeps the NDIA happy and ensures people get appropriate and safe supports.


Flexible rescheduling

Change up to 4 hours before.

Why take this course?

In theory, implementing effective behaviour support strategies, improves the quality of life of people with complex behaviours, while reducing and eliminating restrictive practices. Yet in practice? Without the right evidence, it’s tricky to access the supports needed. And the unfortunate result of this – we continue to see people without the supports they need to effectively implement the strategies in their behaivour support plans.

This practical 2 hour workshop will show you how to provide the right evidence for behaviour support – because a well written Behaviour Support Plan, along with a report outlining the support needs for a person, is essential. Done well, the right evidence can make sure the NDIA accept and recognise the support needs of a person – including behaviour supports AND essential core supports –  ensuring people can improve their quality of life, and reduce and eliminate restrictive practices.

What you’ll gain

Across 2 hours, we’ll dive into:

  • How to correctly link behaviour support needs with to a person’s disability 

  • How to describe behavioural goals and support needs within a Behaviour Support Plan

  • How to write a report recommending supports for a person using a capacity building framework, including the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices

  • How to evidence Reasonable & Necessary criteria for behaviour supports

  • How to include requests for staff and carer training

  • How to evidence the need for support worker hours 

Who’s it for?

  • Anyone supporting participants who require a Behaviour Support Plan

What’s included?

  • 2 hour virtual workshop via Zoom

  • Links to relevant NDIS resources

  • Downloadable copy of the slides for you to look back on

  • Certificate of completion


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Dr Kylie Morgan

Kylie completed her PhD in 2007, is an NDIS brainiac and is doubly brainiac-y on all things NDIS mental health. She has over 15 years experience working in the mental health, disability and aged care sectors. Kylie has extensive experience designing, implementing and evaluating mental health programs. Through her experience as a carer of her brother-in-law, Kylie has also developed a passion for assisting organisations to develop Specialist Disability Accommodation. In the course of her work and studies, Kylie has developed advanced skills in the management and development of staff, program design and establishment, stakeholder and consumer engagement, and budget management.


Therese Morgante

Therese comes to Team DSC with over 25 years experience in the sector across a range of government, consulting and provider roles. She has played key roles throughout Victoria's progression towards individualised funding, including design and initial implementation of self directed funding at the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and supporting the establishment of the Barwon NDIS pilot site. As a clear thinker, Therese is able to get to the heart of an issue quickly to solve policy dilemmas. When she is not touring suburban sporting grounds with her two sons or obsessively watching documentaries on the British Royal Family, Therese is an avid reader, improving cook, lover of Australian politics and (very) amateur art critic.